Grasrótar-sjóður PPEU

Sæl elsku íslensku píratar.
Á síðasta aðalfundi evrópskra pírata var samþykkt tillaga um að stofna styrktarsjóð fyrir grasrót pírata í evrópu.
Nú þarf að búa til rammann fyrir þennan sjóð og verður sú vinna gerð í opnum vinnuhópi. Ég vona að hér sé fólk með áhuga og skelli inn lýsingunni á ensku, ásamt doodle með vali á fundartímum.

If you are interested to participate in building the framework for this fund, please indicate the times that suit you for a first meet, here Then we will discuss how to proceed with the group.

The Pirate Grassroot Fund(Working title).

Motion 4 - PPIS - “Pirate Grassroots” We propose that the Council mandates a new fund for Pirate related projects in Europe. The fund will have a specific amount in it decided and approved on each council meeting. Every member of PPEU can apply for funding for their projects.

Counter proposal from PPAT - “The council is asking the board to provide up to 500€ per quarter in support of grassroots projects by PPEU members. The members can apply for it directly to the board and present their project to the board at a board meeting, which then votes in favor or rejects the project. If funded, the project will report back and present their findings at the next council meeting, with the option of getting prolonged funding.”

This fund is seen as something for people to work on their activism, expanding peoples ideas on pirate-ism, create workshops, spaces and time for interaction regarding Pirate philosophy.

The PPEU board is the overseeing body of the projects and reports back to the Council. The Council decides on a yearly budget for the grassroot fund.

We are now creating a working group to achieve a fair and strong framework for the Grassroots Fund, and Katla Holm is the contact person regarding the working group.